architect referring to God by Antoni Gaudí

"My client is not in a hurry," Antoni Gaudí, said the pious architect referring to God.

The December 2011 issue of National Geographic magazine by Jeremy Berlin examines the architecture and nature-inspired design behind Barcelona's Sagrada Familia, including why it remains a work in progress and very much ahead of its time.
When Pope Benedict XVI said Mass there this fall, the Sagrada Família was already 128 years in the making—and still not finished.

Modern Living Room Interior Design Minimalist Color

Modern Living Room Interior Design Minimalist Color

new work style fusion ;)

                                                                             by cldesign
                                              by: cldesign
                                               by: cldesign
                                               by: cldesign
cheikh lahlou lamia


Já está pensando na pintura da casa e a casa ainda nem ficou pronto, não é?
 Até chegar a hora da compra que tal saber um pouco mais sobre o último material que entra na obra:

Pra começar os tipos de tinta::

Látex PVA: emulsão de água e acetato de polivinila. Seca rápido e é vendido na versão fosca, que dá acabamento aveludado.
Látex acrílico: composto de resina acrílica à base de água. É lavável e está disponível nos acabamentos acetinado, semibrilho e fosco. Há versões elásticas, para fachadas.
Esmalte sintético: feito de solvente ou água. Nas versões brilhante, acetinado e fosco, seca rápido,
tem alta durabilidade e risca pouco.
Esmalte epóxi: à base de solvente ou água, cria uma camada resistente a umidade e atrito, ideal para cozinha e banheiro.

Na hora da compra fique atento aos detalhes:

Rendimento, nem sempre a mais cara rede mais, e vice-versa, claro.
A superfície que vai aplicar deve estar limpa, livre de fungos ou sujeiras. O reboco tem cura de 28 dias, portanto espere esse tempo.
Cubra com massa corrida ou acrílica os buracos e imperfeições.
A cor é capítulo a parte. Leva em consideração gosto, estilo do imóvel, sensações, pisos, azulejos e a personalidade do morador. Escolha as cores com auxílio do profissional que acompanha a obra. O que sempre faço é escolher entre dois, três, quatro tons que agradam mais e aplicar em quadrados de 1×1 nas paredes da casa e escolher depois da secagem.
Em alvenaria externa, use látex acrílico. Para esquadrias e portões metálicos, prefira o esmalte sintético. O esmalte também é indicado para a madeira, já preparada com massa e fundo fosco. Nas paredes internas de alvenaria, prefira látex PVA. Em cômodos de alto tráfego, priorize as opções laváveis, como as semibrilho, e nos quartos infantis fique com as de baixo odor,
 em caso de uso logo após a pintura.

Uma ideia legal e o Simulador de cores da Lukscolor :

Claro, na duvida chama um professional.
Uma olhadinha ão lado, na area de Serviços.


Casa do Pintor Balneário Camboiú

Aldory Tintas Avenida do Estado
(47) 3367 - 4223

Tintoart Tintas
A. dos Estados, Esq. rua Espanha - Centro
Fone : 47 3360 7676

Fotos: NET/Arquivo pessoal

Mundo das cores Tintas
A. 4° avenida, N° 1245 - centro
47 3366 6060

Fotos: NET/Arquivo pessoal



Z shelf

From Miron Lior, designer of the stackable Invisible Shelf, comes another artful, “invisible” way to display books. The powder-coated steel Z Shelf is a modular piece that can be arranged in a zigzag style, or an escalating shape on a wall. The front cover of any hardbound book conceals the hooks that keep the shelf in place, while a functional bracket joins the bound pages. The Z Shelf is easy to hang with built-in wall mounts, and looks best slightly askew. Your books are safe from gravity, if not prying hands.
Miron Loir

Advent calendar

While this gorgeous advent calendar has been on our mantelpiece for the past two weeks, I haven't had a chance to fill it in with goodies for Mila. I keep meaning to do it but frankly at the moment I seem to spend nights, days and weekends at the warehouse to make sure we don't get behind with Xmas orders so by the time I come home, I'm absolutely dead!
But last night, Steve came back with a flip... advent calendar from Tesco!!! Honestly... so that's it, tonight I've finally got around to do it and put little chocolate coins and balloons with Xmas Father or Father Xmas (I never know in which order we say it) in each of the little boxes until 16th December because she is off to New-Zealand with her dad then and I will join them on 24th (yeah Xmas in a plane...yeah!..not). Anyway, if you want one, hurry up because we only have 14 left in stock

Alors que ce magnifique calendrier de l'Avent trone sur notre cheminee depuis deux semaines, je n'avais toujours pas eu le temps de mettre des petits trucs sympas dedans pour Mila. J'y pensais mais pour etre honnete, depuis quelques semaines je passe mes journees, soirees et weekends a l'entrepot pour faire en sorte que l'on ne prenne pas trop de retard avec les commandes de Noel et a l'heure ou j'arrive a la maison, je suis completement claquee.
Mais hier soir, Steve est rentre avec un calendrier de l'Avent de chez Tesco (le Auchan anglais)!! Non mais franchement....donc voila ce soir je m'y suis mise et j'ai rempli ces petites boites avec des bonbons, pieces en chocolat et ballons avec la tete du Pere Noel...jusqu'au 16 Decembre parce que le 16 Mila part en Nouvelle-Zealande avec son papa et moi je les rejoindrais le 24 (et oui le reveillon dans l'avion c'est pas cool ca?! non c'est pas cool!). Bon si vous en voulez un depechez-vous parce qu'il n'y en a plus que 14 en stock.

Elle est belle, n'est ce pas?

She is gorgeous, isn't she?! I love her so much that I'm going to see her in Paris with Elodie at the end of Jan and then beginning of Feb in London with voila, quand on aime on ne compte pas!

Elle est belle n'est ce pas?! Je l'adore tellement que je vais aller la voir en concert fin Janvier avec Elodie a Paris et debut Fevrier a Londres avec voila, quand on aime on ne compte pas!

16000 Project and Plans Woodworking Interior Ideas

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Are you want to find more plans woodworking ?? now i will share to you about 16000 project and plans woodworking interiors by teds. The product tedswoodworking may be can help you to find ideas. i think this good for you all which want to find more ideas.

For you which profesional , may be want to grow your brain to make your client feel satisfied, i Tedswoodworking can help you to overcome your problem. you can get 16000 step by step woodworking plans which very interesting. if you feel this woodworking plans very usefull for you and want find more information. you can visit TedsWoodWorking site

16000 Project and Plans Woodworking Interior Ideas

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Are you want to find more plans woodworking ?? now i will share to you about 16000 project and plans woodworking interiors by teds. The product tedswoodworking may be can help you to find ideas. i think this good for you all which want to find more ideas.

For you which profesional , may be want to grow your brain to make your client feel satisfied, i Tedswoodworking can help you to overcome your problem. you can get 16000 step by step woodworking plans which very interesting. if you feel this woodworking plans very usefull for you and want find more information. you can visit TedsWoodWorking site

16000 Project and Plans Woodworking Interior Ideas

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Are you want to find more plans woodworking ?? now i will share to you about 16000 project and plans woodworking interiors by teds. The product tedswoodworking may be can help you to find ideas. i think this good for you all which want to find more ideas.

For you which profesional , may be want to grow your brain to make your client feel satisfied, i Tedswoodworking can help you to overcome your problem. you can get 16000 step by step woodworking plans which very interesting. if you feel this woodworking plans very usefull for you and want find more information. you can visit TedsWoodWorking site

Art Architecture : the Cocoon

DUS Architects has created the Cocoon- an interactive lounge that inhabits the lobby at the Delft Faculty of Architecture. The flexible skin, measuring 32m3 is constructed of 150 inner bicycle tubes, measuring 20 meters each that can be inflated separately, responds both to user and spectator, adding to a new dimension to all types of environments.

127 Pearl Avenue Interior Design on California

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" Sophisticated Garden Home Embraces the Ease of Living at the Beach " that is one expression which interesting from 127 pearl avenue. Good home interior design at the beach make this hom interior very interesting. Some people in the world want to have a home at the beach, because they can enjoy the beach at the morning and evening.

I like a home interior at the beach, i don't know you like or not, but this interior design is one ideas for you which want to builg home interior at the beach.You can find more information 127 pearl avenue california on their site, you can visit here 

127 Pearl Avenue Interior Design on California

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" Sophisticated Garden Home Embraces the Ease of Living at the Beach " that is one expression which interesting from 127 pearl avenue. Good home interior design at the beach make this hom interior very interesting. Some people in the world want to have a home at the beach, because they can enjoy the beach at the morning and evening.

I like a home interior at the beach, i don't know you like or not, but this interior design is one ideas for you which want to builg home interior at the beach.You can find more information 127 pearl avenue california on their site, you can visit here 

127 Pearl Avenue Interior Design on California

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" Sophisticated Garden Home Embraces the Ease of Living at the Beach " that is one expression which interesting from 127 pearl avenue. Good home interior design at the beach make this hom interior very interesting. Some people in the world want to have a home at the beach, because they can enjoy the beach at the morning and evening.

I like a home interior at the beach, i don't know you like or not, but this interior design is one ideas for you which want to builg home interior at the beach.You can find more information 127 pearl avenue california on their site, you can visit here 

Coquetel Casa Almeida, hoje!

I love this look!

(C) Photo from The Sartorialist


Designed in 2006 by artist/designer Jared Arp, the Eileen Shelving Unit debuted as the winning design in a furniture competition in Colorado, USA.
Jared Arp

Modern Full Color of Living Room Interior

Modern Full Color of Living Room Interior

Embalagens para presentes de Natal = faça você mesmo!

Papel Kraft e Papel Sulfite,
 para recortar os desenhos

Vidros de Geleía ou Conservas e
laços de Fita cetim

Papel de embalagem brilhante,
 fitas de cetim metálicas

Papel de Embalagem
Fita de cetim
Estrelas de ramos de trigo (em lojas de Embalagems) 

Formas de Bolo ou Tortas
Fita cetim

Tecido , aqui um simples pano de louça rustico,

Papel Sulfite branco,
 fios de Costura coloridos,
efeitos brilhante (estrela)

Papel colorido (azul), Papel Kraft ,
 fio ou barbante e criatividade com a tesoura

Fotos :
Texto: Reiner Wolff

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