Letters at home

Today, we received another 200 sets of the Rob Ryan plates, while the driver was unloading our 39 boxes, he got clamped (£300! ouch!). At the same time, 12 (voluminous!) Ovetto recycling bins arrived and the lift chose that specific moment to breakdown (luckily temporarily....) Then a third driver who was delivering large bags of eco-friendly chips so we could pack all our orders safely while being good to the planet, went upstairs to get Genevieve to sign the paperwork while I was dealing with the *cr..* going on downstairs and left without leaving the chips with us....give me strength!!

So I have decided to have a little break to show you something I really love....using big letters like these beautiful red metal letters from House Doctor DK at home which is something La Maison Pujol in France is doing very well. I know that in terms of home styling, it's not new or groundbreaking and I don't care. I don't think a home should follow trends. A home should reflect your style, your lifestyle, your personality, your travels and everything you love in life and for me, who loves design, typography and food, these big, red and striking letters really stroke a chord when I saw them the first time. I think letters are a fantastic way to express your style with a touch of humour and you can easily use these ones separately to add little industrial touches around the home like Maison Pujol or simply give one of each to friends as a Christmas gift!

(C) Photos: top pics from La Maison Pujol photographed by Manolo Yllera, bottom image: Pia Ulin, Little Arrhus from Konfettiform, Via Little Blue Deer
Apres la journee d'enfer que j'ai eu (je vous epargne la traduction), je voulais vous montrer quelque chose que j'adore...l'utilisation de grosses lettres en deco a la maison, comme ces belles lettres rouges en metal de House Doctor DK, qui est quelque chose que La Maison Pujol fait tres bien (super addresse d'ailleurs pour un WE ou des wacances..).
Je sais que ce n'est pas tres nouveau, ni avant-gardiste en terme de decoration et je m'en fiche. Je ne suis pas de celles qui pensent qu'une maison doit suivre la mode. Une maison devrait refleter notre style, nos gouts, notre personnalite, nos voyages et tout ce que nous aimons dans la vie. Et moi perso, j'adore le design, la typo et trainer dans ma cuisine (pas pour cuisiner, pour manger!), alors forcement j'ai completement craque pour ces super lettres rouge vif des que je les ai vu! Le truc genial avec celles-ci, c'est qu'elles auront l'air super cool* dans la cuisine (accrochees au mur ou suspendues) mais qu'elles peuvent etre egalement utilisees separement comme La Maison Pujol pour ajouter des petites touches industrielles dans la maison ou simplement etre offertes a des amis comme cadeau de Noel!

*cool: (kool): Adjective;
1. Something regarded as cool is an admired aesthetic of attitude, behavior, comportment, appearance and style, influenced by and a product of the Zeitgeist.
2. Adjective overused by Karine who still thinks she is in her twenties


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