Today, we had a wonderful time in Paris. We went to see the Jean-Michel Basquiat Exhibition which was amazing (and started super well when one staff member asked us to jump the very long queue because we had children with us!) and caught up with some friends who had moved back from London to Paris last Summer. Sadly, Steve and Mila went back to London tonight and while Elodie, Lily and Christophe are asleep, I'm wide awake thinking about stuff...
Last night, we had an interesting discussion about family...Elodie felt that for my mum, I was the one who mattered and I thought, she had a relationship and a trust with my dad, especially when it came to sharing books to read, which I hadn't - which is funny because when we were young and at home, it was the other way round. Anyway...that's what is going on in our heads and it doesn't mean that's the reality because luckily, we come from a pretty loving family.
Elodie and I love each other and we are so in tune that we feel like twins so there was no hard feeling, just an honest discussion how things were for us but it got me thinking...
As Steve and Christophe rightly put our age, it doesn't really matter anymore. Parents are parents. They try their best, sometimes they f...up big time and one feels pretty happy to blame them for the rest of our lives (and I'm glad I'm past that!) and sometimes, well we just accept that they are the way they are. As any of us can drop dead anytime tomorrow, it's really not important if they wind us up from time to time or if they feel the need to give us advices we dont request. What matters is that we make the most of the people we love and how we perceive things. Do we want to focus on the things that frustrate us or can we just embrace their differences, be centrered and love them no matter what?
So I don't know about you but I know that this year, more than ever, I want to make 2011 a year dedicated to family and friends and while I'm at it, I will also endeavour to improve my listening skills and to be less obsessed by work. Voila, it's in writing! :-) and now I'm going to bed because I'm off to Maison & Objet for the next two days and then at MERCI on Wednesday.
What's your new year resolution?
(C) BODIE and FOU. All images are family photos.Elodie and I love each other and we are so in tune that we feel like twins so there was no hard feeling, just an honest discussion how things were for us but it got me thinking...
As Steve and Christophe rightly put our age, it doesn't really matter anymore. Parents are parents. They try their best, sometimes they f...up big time and one feels pretty happy to blame them for the rest of our lives (and I'm glad I'm past that!) and sometimes, well we just accept that they are the way they are. As any of us can drop dead anytime tomorrow, it's really not important if they wind us up from time to time or if they feel the need to give us advices we dont request. What matters is that we make the most of the people we love and how we perceive things. Do we want to focus on the things that frustrate us or can we just embrace their differences, be centrered and love them no matter what?
So I don't know about you but I know that this year, more than ever, I want to make 2011 a year dedicated to family and friends and while I'm at it, I will also endeavour to improve my listening skills and to be less obsessed by work. Voila, it's in writing! :-) and now I'm going to bed because I'm off to Maison & Objet for the next two days and then at MERCI on Wednesday.
What's your new year resolution?
Aujoud'hui, nous avons passe une super journee a Paris a l'expo de Jean-Michel Basquiat qui etait tout simplement geniale (et qui a commence super bien quand un employe du musee nous a fait venir passer devant la longue queue parce que nous avions des enfants). Malheureusement Steve et Mila sont rentres sur Londres ce soir et alors que Elodie, Lily et Christophe dorment, moi je suis super eveillee en train de reflechir a des trucs...
Hier soir, nous avons eu une conversation interessante sur la famille...Elodie trouvait que pour notre mere, il n'y avait que moi qui comptait et moi, je trouvais qu'elle avait une relation et une confiance avec mon pere, surtout quand il s'agissait de partager ses auteurs preferes, que je n'avais pas - ce qui est marrant, c'est que lorsque nous etions encore a la maison, c'etait l'inverse. Et puis c'est notre version des ne veut pas dire que ce soit la realite parce qu'au final, nous avons la chance d'etre tous tres famille.
Elodie et moi on s'adore et nous sommes tellement sur la meme longueur d'ondes que c'est comme si nous etions jumelles donc, il n'y avait pas de tension entre nous, juste une honnete discussion ou on expliquait comment nous ressentions les choses mais cela m'a fait reflechir....
Comme Steve & Christophe l'ont justement souligne...a notre age, ce n'est plus vraiment tres grave. Les parents sont des parents. Ils font ce qu'ils peuvent, parfois ils merdent serieusement et c'est facile de tout leur mettre sur le dos quand les choses ne vont pas dans notre vie (un cap que j'ai passe il y a tres longtemps!) et parfois, et bien, on les accepte juste comme ils sont. Comme n'importe qui d'entre nous peut partir du jour au lendemain, au final ce n'est pas tres grave si ils nous prennent le chou de temps en temps ou si ils ont besoin de nous donner des conseils qu'on ne leur demande pas. Ce qui est important c'est que l'on profite au maximum des gens que l'on aime et comment nous, nous percevons les choses. Est ce que nous voulons focaliser sur les trucs qui nous frustrent ou embrasser nos differences, etre centre et les aimer quand meme?
Donc je ne sais pas pour vous mais moi, j'ai decide que 2011 va etre une annee dediee a la famille et aux amis! Et pendant que j'y suis, je vais aussi faire de mon mieux pour ameliorer mon ecoute des autres et etre moins obsedee par le boulot. Voila, c'est ecrit! :-) et puis maintenant je vais aller me coucher, parce que je vais etre a Maison & Objet pendant les deux prochains jours et a MERCI Mercredi.
Quelles sont vos nouvelles resolutions pour 2011?
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